Washington D.C. Chapter History

Carletta Hurt
The Washington, D.C. Chapter of the National Black MBA Association® is currently the second-largest chapter of the Association, with almost 1,000 members. We proudly serve the Nation’s Capital (DC), Maryland, and Northern Virginia (DMV). For almost 40 years, the Chapter has provided quality programming to our members including an annual Women’s Symposium, Wealth Building Series, Professional Development Workshops, and many other valuable programs and workshops.
In August 2022, the Chapter elected Carletta S. Hurt, Ph.D. to serve a two-year term as President of the Chapter. Under Carletta’s leadership the chapter presented two inaugural awards – Catherine W. LeBlanc Legacy Award and Lanta Evans-Motte Youth Advocate Award presented to Ramunda Lark Young, co-founder of MahoganyBooks; and Jasmin Cunningham, PGA; respectively.
Carletta is an educator with the District of Columbia Public Schools and an adjunct professor at local universities. Her work can also be seen on the small screen through her work a film/video producer with her producing partner, Victoria Rowell.
In addition to her work within the DC Chapter, Carletta volunteers for several organizations including board service with Science, Engineering, Mathematics (SEM) Link and Women in Film and Video. She is a Past Board President of Women in Film & Video.
A graduate of Oglethorpe University and Georgia State University, Carletta works as school counselor with the District of Columbia Public Schools. She made history in May 2023 when she earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Education and Leadership from the University of the District of Columbia, the first doctoral student in the university’s history.
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) named Carletta the 2016 DC School Counselor of the Year (SCOY), which included a reception at the White House, hosted by then First Lady Michelle Obama. She was also honored with the Bell Award (Education) from the Oglethorpe Alumni Association. Carletta was the 2019 Mentor of the Year for the DC Chapter.
A native of Georgia with nearly a decade of DC living under her belt, Carletta is in post-production for her first film about Charlayne Hunter-Gault, the first African American to attend the journalism program at the University of Georgia and touring her award-winning documentary, Clothed Minds: Black Girls in DC Schools about the impact of dress code policies on black girls in DC schools.
Over the two years of his term, Carletta’s focus will be her CARE Framework: Collaboration, Advocacy, Resources, and Education and making the 46th annual National Conference in DC one for the books!
Learn more
Call: 404-236-9949
Washington DC Chapter NBMBAA
2 Massachusetts Ave. NW,
Unit 75737 Washington DC 20013
Chapter Honors & Awards
2015, 2016, 2018, and 2021 Chapter of the Year
2020 Career Channel Award
2018 Chapter Vision Award
2017 LOT® Career Readiness Pillar Award