National Business Case Competition:
National Leadership Summit
NBMBAA® Leaders of Tomorrow®
Since its inception in 1991, the NBMBAA® Leaders of Tomorrow® Program has mentored more than 8,000 talented youth aspiring to leadership roles in professional fields. The LOT® Program is a comprehensive programmatic approach for providing leadership development and STEM exposure to high school students. The program is driven by mentoring across five developmental areas: Leadership, Financial Literacy, College Readiness, Career Preparation, and Life Skills. By providing programming centered around these five core areas, we provide readiness for college, career, and life.
What is the benefit of a business case study conference experience?
The simulated experience of a case competition is more realistic than classroom discussions and develops students thinking and communication skills in a different way. In a case competition, they will be solving real issues that companies have faced or are facing. This experience enables our youth to apply the knowledge they’re learning in the classroom to an actual business challenge, as well as gain experience presenting the solution to high-level leadership.
As a highlight of the Leadership Summit, students from across the United States will deliver their business cases to a panel of judges and compete for up to $30K in scholarship funds.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Registration & Payment Questions
When does registration close?
What does the $100.00 per student non-refundable registration fee cover?
The fee covers the registration and meals for Wednesday night, Thursday through Saturday and Sunday morning, entrance into case competition, tickets to Keynote Speakers, and other conference programming. Chaperones will need to register but will not have a fee* associated with their attendance. Chapters are responsible for all other expenses.
*Please see the Can additional adults (parents and guests) attend section for fee stipulations
Can we pay with a check?
What if we haven't selected our student competitors yet?
How many students can we bring?
There is no cap on student registrations; however, ALL participants must be registered LOT® members. Chapters will register students by a Leadership Track and a Case Competition Track. Programming will be provided to non-competing youth.
Can additional adults (parents and guests) attend?
There is a 5:1 chaperone ratio policy– (one chaperone per 5 students). However, each chapter is allowed one (1) LOT® Advisor that is not included in this ratio. If your Chapter President plans to attend and participates in the day-to-day activities, they will be included in the 5:1 ratio. There will be a $100 registration fee for each additional chaperone attending and a $250.00 lodging fee, if staying in LOT provided lodging.
Please pay online or mail checks by May 3, 2019 to: National Black MBA Association®, Attn. LOT® Leadership Summit; 400 West Peachtree St, Suite 203, Atlanta, GA 30308.
Who is eligible to participate on Case Competition teams?
Each student participating on a case team MUST have participated in other Leaders of Tomorrow® activities within their local chapter from March 2019 – June 2019 and must have a current membership with the NBMBAA®.
Where do I send my forms?
Forms like parent consent, video/photography releases and other documents should be uploaded via Dropbox here or sent by fax to 404-946-5229.
Is my chapter allowed to only attend the Case Competition?
Only teams that attend the entire Leadership Summit will be able to compete in the Case Competition. Certain permissions will be granted to participants who have a scheduling conflict with their school schedule. School schedules and permission requests must be sent to
Accomodations Questions
Where will chaperones and students stay?
What should additional guests do about housing?
What are the room arrangements?
Which meals are included?
The following meals are covered:
- Wednesday: Dinner
- Thursday: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
- Friday: Breakfast Lunch, Dinner
- Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch, and Awards Dinner
- Sunday: Grab & Go breakfast
If you have a student/chaperone with special dietary needs, please indicate this on your team registration or send an email to
What if I only want to attend the Final Round and Awards Dinner?
Is attendance to all Leadership Summit programming required?
Yes, attendance is mandatory from Wednesday evening to Sunday morning, unless permission is granted by NHQ for school scheduling conflicts.
Venue & Transportation Questions
Where will the competition be held?
Where is the nearest airport?
How do I provide flight detail for the case team?
Will shuttle service be available?
Are we able to arrive after the welcome reception?
Although it is not ideal, if your chapter cannot arrive by the 6:00 p.m. requested time, please contact Dee Hatcher
Scholarship Questions
What are the scholarship amounts?
Scholarships amounts are as follows and will be paid directly to the students’ educational institution, split equally between members on the team, including both presenters and non-presenters:
1st $15,000
2nd $10,000
3rd $5,000
Note: Please keep in mind that the LOT® Case Competition is a scholarship competition. Winning students will only receive funds if they are enrolled in a post-secondary educational institution, and scholarship awards will be paid directly to the educational institution.