Greater Michigan Chapter History

Skot Welch
Skot is the Principal/Founder of Global Bridgebuilders (GBB) A firm focusing on Organizational Development, Cultural Transformation and Inclusion. Global Bridgebuilders is an international team providing services to enterprises across the globe. GBB bases its work in the core belief that inclusion is a business discipline and that it should be leveraged across all that the enterprise does. To gain this leverage, the firm applies a continuous improvement model, anchored in metrics.
Skot has been a global bridge builder long before he founded the company in 2006. Growing up in a military family gave Skot a unique perspective on diversity that he still carries and a passion for helping organizations tap into the vast experiences of their employees to create stronger businesses.
Currently, Global Bridgebuilders serves a wide range of clients in the U.S. and a host of other countries around the world. Skot has worked in International business and Diversity/Inclusion Management for over 25 years and has developed an in-depth knowledge of diversity, inclusion and workforce development that brings together and maximizes the perfect blend of people and process.
Prior to the launch of Global Bridgebuilders, Skot served as Vice President of Business Development and Benchmarking Services for DiversityInc magazine in New Jersey, where he worked with many of the Fortune 500’s biggest global brands across a broad range of industries.
Skot is also the Author: 101 Ways to Enjoy The Mosaic: Creating a Diverse Community Right in Your Own Backyard; Co-author: Plantation Jesus; Co-author: The Ross School of Business – University of Michigan: Diversity Management as a Generative Strategic Process: When the Business Case Meets Positive Organizational Scholarship; The Diversity & Inclusion Expert In Residence (Silicon Valley) CultureShift Labs Think Tank, The Inclusion Lead and Curator for TEDx Grand Rapids former Board Member of ArtPrize.
Founder & President: The Mosaic Film Experience – An innovative educational platform that empowers underrepresented youth to explore emerging and creative careers through the power of storytelling.
Co-Founder and Managing Partner of The New Community Transformation Fund a $25M Venture Capital Fund focusing on Entrepreneurs of Color.
Founder & President: The National Black MBA Association, Inc. (NBMBAA) – Greater Michigan
Chapter which was established in September 2021 with a focus on strengthening the talent pipeline, and professional opportunities for African American students and professionals.
Skot received his bachelor’s degree (B.A.) from Albion College and His master’s in management and international marketing (M.M.) from Aquinas College.
Skot and his Wife, Barbara reside in Michigan and have two children.